Peruvian Whistling Vessels 


A Brief History of Entheosonic Use


For over two thousand years the vessels were part of generation after generation of Peruvian people.

Around 1532 AD the makers of Peruvian Whistling vessels were conquered by the Spanish.
Corresponding to this date the vessels effectively ceased to exist!  We can be relatively sure of this
because the Spanish conquerers, who kept detailed and copious notes of these conquered people,
did not once mention the vessels. What is just as mysterious is that the Peruvians, themselves,
never depicted or left any decipherable record of the vessels or their use.

Peruvian whistling vessels were and are not merely ceramic utilitarian or decorative instruments.
They were, I believe, religiously and with great skill tuned utilizing synesthesia around the primary
frequency of the culture. This primary frequency evolved, becoming higher for each new culture.
The frequencies at which they were tuned are in the amplitude/frequency range that we have only
recently discovered produces an auditory illusion of being 15% louder than the true amplitude.

When an individual died, his or her whistling vessel was such an intimate, personal artifact that it was
not passed on to the family, but instead taken to the grave to accompany the person into eternity. It is
interesting to me to observe that during present day Peruvian ceremonies, Peruvians continue to wear
small empty bottles tied around their neck. Bottles which they repeatedly blow across to produce the
sound of a whistle. Unfortunately, the small glass bottle will not open the portal to the shamanic realm
accessed by their ancient ancesters with Peruvian whistling vessels.)


Last Updated: October 16, 2012

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